
Our Concerts, Program and

Music Director/Conductor


Our Concerts in previous year



バルハラ The Knolls シニアセンター

Concert @ The Knolls




Concert @ The Greenwich Japanese School




Concert @ Kodomono Kuni




Concert @ Marian Woods 





Chorus Performance @ Harrison Public Library 

(Japanese Children's Day Festival sponsored by the NY Children's Cultural Society & friends)




Concert @Harrison Public Library  Helpen Building- Community Room

 2023−24年度 演奏曲

Our Program in 2023-24


America the Beautiful / 朧月夜 (The Night with Hazy Moon) / すかんぽの咲く頃 (When the Japanese Knotweed blooms) / うさぎ (Rabbit)

旅愁 (Dreaming of Home and Mother) 

雪 (Snow) / 小鳥が逃げた! (A little bird flew away) 

Scarborough Fair / 大黒舞-祝い唄三つより- (Daikoku Mai) / Believe / 山の枇杷 (Mountain Loquat)  / 帰れソレントへ (Torna a Surriento)

花になれ (Be a flower) / Gabi Gabi 

星影のエール (Yell of starlight) / グリンピースのうた (Green Pea song) / サン・トワ・マ・ミー (Sans toi ma mie) / Shenandoah
アンパンマンのマーチ (Anpanman's March)
一ばんぼし (Evening Star) / 春 (Spring) 
Theme from New York, New York
さよならみなさま (Goodbye everyone)
Irish Blessing / Winter Wonderland etc..

指揮・指導 嶋田あや


北海道小樽市出身。高校時代に北海道毎日声楽コンクールで優勝。東京芸術大学、Mannes College of Music にて学ぶ。クラッシク音楽からゴスペル音楽まで幅広いレパートーリーを持ち、ニューヨークや日本だけではなくメキシコやカナダでも演奏活動を行う。2000年からは国連人口賞(UN Population Award)授賞式にも出演。現在、花みずきの他にニュージャージーの『ハーモニーバスケット』などの女声コーラスグループおよびニューヨーク日本語教会のコーラスを指導、『New York Mixed Chorus』(ニューヨーク混声合唱団)の、のヴォイストレーナーを勤める。2009年6月から5年間開催された、ニューヨーク周辺地区コーラスグループ団体による合同コンサート『Choral Festival of Japan』の発起人および音楽監督でもある。


Aya Shimada Music Director/Conductor  


Born in Otaru City, Hokkaido, Japan. While in high school, won the Gold Prize in the High School Division of the 1st Hokkaido Mainichi Vocal Music Competition. Received BA in Music from Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music. Performed in many operas and concerts, including the Sapporo Citizen's Art Festival Young Musicians Concert and the opera "Le Nozze de Figaro". She then moved to the U.S. to study at the Mannes College of Music Extension Division, where she received her diploma with high honors. She is a song leader at the New York Japanese Church. While expanding her repertoire from classical to gospel, she has directed Japanese women's chorus groups such as Harmony Basket of New Jersey and Hanamizuki of Westchester County and served as a vocal coach and music supervisor for the New York Mixed Chorus. She also served as the proposer and music director of the "Choral Festival of Japan," the first joint event of Choral Festival of Japanese choirs in the New York metropolitan area, which was held annually for five years starting in June 2009. She was highly acclaimed for her performance at the United Nations Population Award Ceremony in New York City.